Friday, March 9, 2012

Encouraging report from Cape Cod today

This year's mass stranding of common dolphins is over. That, according to a story published in today's Cape Cod Times. Does this mean we can stop worrying about the dolphins? Probably not. Dolphin strandings continue on Cape Cod, albeit in smaller daily numbers. 

IFAW continues to analyze the data they've been collecting, in an attempt to pinpoint the cause. 


  1. Thanks for sharing!!We haven't seen any here in Maine. I hope they are soon all safe in the water.

  2. Glad to find you and your friends following your interest in dolphins. I certainly found the movie about the dolphin, Winter, interesting and I learned a lot about how people give their hearts to a cause. Keep up the good work of awareness-raising! Gramma

    1. Very nicely presented forum for discussing something that really matters. Has a cause ever been determined for these strandings? Is the cause the same for whale strandings?
